
Structuring Life to Support Creativity

Created by Sandra Tayler

Buy books and other items from the crowdfunded project.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Sandra Tayler's New Book!
3 months ago – Tue, Jun 11, 2024 at 08:40:10 AM

The project to fund Structuring Life to Support Creativity launches in one week!

I'm very excited to make this book and get it into the hands of people who need it. To make that happen, I could use your help. There are two ways you can help right now:
1. Make sure you sign up on the pre-launch page so that you'll be notified as soon as the project launches. 
2. Spread the word to people you think might want this book. You can tell people about it in any way that is comfortable to you: social media, email, conversation, or even carrier pigeon if you happen to have one. Feel free to grab the graphic from this post if that helps you spread the word.

Thank you so much for backing previous projects. I hope you'll join me for this next one!
All the best,

Structuring Life to Support Creativity Cover Reveal
4 months ago – Tue, May 28, 2024 at 08:52:38 AM

Structuring Life to Support Creativity has a cover!


This cover was created for me by Melissa Williams Design. I love how they captured exactly the warm and constructive feel that I want for my book. I’m now working with the amazing Traci Turner to create more refined social media graphics and advertisement posts that I’ll be using to promote this book over the next month or more.  I’ve also heard back from my editor that she’ll have notes for me toward the end of this week. Things are coming together and my current plan is to launch funding for the book on June 18th.

Thank you so much for being part of this journey! And if you haven’t signed up yet, you can click here to be notified as soon as the project launches!

Thank you,
Sandra Tayler

Structuring Life to Support Creativity Launching Next Month
4 months ago – Thu, May 09, 2024 at 01:18:19 PM


I'm about 30 days out from my hoped-for launch date for Structuring Life to Support Creativity. That simultaneously feels like plenty of time, but also like I will never get everything lined up to go.

If this is the first you've heard about this project. Welcome! I'm publishing a resource book to help creative people make more space in their lives for the creative work they want to be doing. The book is drawn from thirty years of experience and a decade of giving presentations at conventions and events. I'm excited to get it all collected into a book format.

Here are some updates about the project

Interior text:
I handed a draft of the book to an editor who will tell me how close what I have written is to being ready. I fully expect additional rounds of revision and editing even during and after the funding period. Those different editing passes are how a draft is turned into a polished book. If this editor comes back telling me about large scale issues, then I may have to push back the launch date. Right now it feels like that won't be necessary. fingers crossed.

I've contracted a cover designer and she'll be getting me drafts of the cover next week.  One of the purposes of this fundraiser is to help pay for the cover design, but I know that the project will fund much better if there is a gorgeous cover to show off, so I'm investing in the cover in advance. This is simply one of the costs of being your own publisher.

Cost quotes on book printing:
I pinged an offset book printer to get a quote. The lowest-cost plan for this book is to go with Print on Demand suppliers, BUT if there are enough backers I can work with an offset printer to create a fancier, higher quality book.  Getting this quote will help me do the math on how many backers I need in order to upgrade the book to offset, and how many more I'll need to make the book hardback. I have careful math to do about production on this book and in order to set stretch goals.

Cost quotes on bonus items:
I have ideas for "book box" pledge levels which would include pretty swag and other items. I need to source good things to go into that box and calculate costs so I can price it appropriately.

Finalizing back end set up:
I have some additional set up steps to take here on Backerkit so that the project can be cleared to launch. Fortunately these steps are very familiar to me, so getting this part done just requires me to find a day when I can focus on it. 

There are so many moving parts in a crowdfunded project. Most of them are my job, but the one you can help me with is clicking the follow button. Backerkit's calculator says I'll need around 300 followers to help this project launch successfully.  So click that follow button, and if you have a friend who you think would be interested, have them click follow too!

Thank you so much for backing a prior project of mine. I hope you'll join me for this one as well!
Sandra Tayler

Welcome to the Launch Party for Structuring Life to Support Creativity
7 months ago – Sun, Feb 25, 2024 at 05:14:20 PM

This is the place for you to get updates about this upcoming project and to participate in community conversations about the topics contained in this book.  I’m very excited to be making this book and I look forward to sharing it with everyone.