
Structuring Life to Support Creativity

Created by Sandra Tayler

Buy books and other items from the crowdfunded project.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

One Day Left! (And an update on Custom Designed Notebook)
2 months ago – Wed, Jul 17, 2024 at 09:29:27 AM


We have one day left before the funding period for this project closes. If you know someone who could use this book, now is an excellent time to tell them about it.

I made a change to the Custom Designed Notebook listing: if you order the physical notebook, you will also get a printable PDF version as well. If you want just the digital version, I've created an option for that. 

I'm so very grateful to you all for being here. When I launched this project I planned to be happy if I could reach a few hundred backers and there are now more than a thousand of you.  I'm excited to get this book into your hands. 

Thank you!

Custom Designed Notebook Unlocked!
2 months ago – Tue, Jul 16, 2024 at 09:11:18 PM

Greetings Backers!

I am incredibly surprised to be announcing a surpassed stretch goal for the second time today. I am not certain how an additional 200 backers found this project in the past five hours, but I'm so glad that you are here. Thank you!

We've unlocked the Custom Designed Notebook. It is now available as an add-on for any pledge level that includes physical shipping. 

You can now go in and update your pledge to add this notebook.

Our last stretch goal for this project is at 35k. If we pass that number I will:
  • upgrade the book
  • upgrade custom designed notebook. 
  • upgrade the stickers in the creativity bundle from being single stickers to being sheets of stickers,
  • create a special thank you postcard to go inside every physical package. 
The upgrades to the book and notebook might be in the form of spot gloss, decorative designs on the interior, or fancier paper. I'm going to have to do some research to pin down the best options to make the books you get even better. I'll keep you posted about process and choices.

Any funds I receive beyond 35k will be spent on paying bills and giving me more breathing room to work on my next book project. I have so many more things I want to write and I'd love to be able to spend less time on freelance work for income so that I can spend more time writing those books, poems, and stories. 

Thank you all for showing up for this book. It means so much to me that you're willing to trust me to deliver a useful resource. 
All the best,

We get an Audiobook! and offset printing!
2 months ago – Tue, Jul 16, 2024 at 08:44:15 AM

Greetings Backers!

We just passed the goal to unlock the Audiobook! This means there is a new pledge level you can switch to if Audio is your preferred format. Or you can add an Audiobook to your existing pledge using the add-on feature.  Thank you so much for helping us reach this point. 

I'll have more information about the details of the audiobook and offset printing once we enter the production phase of this project.

For now we have a new stretch goal:

Custom Designed Notebook

If we reach 30k before the project closes I'll create a custom designed notebook with pages created specifically for each activity in the book. This notebook will be available as and add-on item for any pledge level with physical shipping.  

If you miss adding on this notebook before funding closes, you will have the option to add this notebook and any other add-on items when I send out the survey to collect your shipping cost and address information. 

Spread the word!

I am so grateful for how far this project has come. I get to make this book, which would not have happened without you. We have just over 48 hours left in the funding period. If you're inclined to spread the word, I would appreciate any boost you can give to the project.

All the best!

Appearances and Projects I Support
2 months ago – Sun, Jul 14, 2024 at 06:34:55 AM

Greetings Backers!

I wanted to let you know about some upcoming opportunities to hear me talk and get a feel for the sorts of things I teach.

Monday July 15 (TOMORROW) at 8pm Eastern time. I will be teaching "Starting and Stopping: The Problem of Motivation" for Mary Robinette Kowal's Patreon subscribers. Details here. Even Patrons at the "just following" level (which costs nothing) should have access to this class. But you can also do a 7 day free trial to see what other offerings are interesting to you. A recording of this class will be posted to my Patreon once it is available.

Friday July 19 at 1pm Eastern Time I'll be on the World Anvil livestream. I'll be talking about  Your Access Needs: Adapting Your Life to Fit Your Capacity. With a focus on neurodivergence and strategies to help creative work flourish when the world in general is not designed for the way your brain works. Click here to see the livestream via twitch.  Or Click here to see the livestream via YouTube.  I believe once the stream is over you'll be able to watch a recorded version on YouTube if you're not available during the live.

I also want to take a moment to tell you about two crowdfunded projects that I've backed and think deserve support.

Mary Robinette Kowal's Silent Spaces is a short story anthology project set in the same universe as her Lady Astronaut books. I love these books, they have real space science along with relatable characters in an alternate history setting. This anthology is a fantastic way to sample her writing. She also has a marvelous assortment of ancillary merchandise.

Uncanny Magazine is doing their annual fundraiser / subscriber drive so that they can produce their excellent magazine filled with speculative fiction short stories, poetry, and non-fiction. Now is a great time to give them some support and help them keep doing the work that they love. 

We're closing in on the final funding week. I'll be back in your inboxes several times over the next few days as we push to fund the audiobook  and offset printing before the project closes.
Thank you so much for being part of this project!
Sandra Tayler

Stretch Goal Achieved and One Week Left!
2 months ago – Thu, Jul 11, 2024 at 04:14:17 PM

Greetings Backers!

We've got one week left on this project and we just cleared the first stretch goal! I get paid and the lecture bundle add on will contain a fourth bonus lecture.  I feel very optimistic that we'll unlock both the audiobook and offset printing before the project closes.

Thank you so much for your support in getting the project this far!

There are some things I want to note so that you have the chance to update your pledge if you wish.

Updated project timeline: I've created a more detailed project timeline on the main story. The most important note is that I originally hoped to have books in your hands by December's holiday gifting season. I now think that is unlikely. Even if the added chapters did not slow the project down, book printers get very backlogged between October and the end of the year. I now hope to have books in your hands by March of 2025. All through the process I'll keep you updated to let you know when to expect your book. I just wanted to make sure you don't plan on this book for this year's holiday gifting.

Updated Table of Contents: The exact titles of chapters are still in flux, but the list gives you an idea of what is already in the book and what I intend to add before going to print. 

With that housekeeping out of the way, I want to return to celebration. Every day since this project funded I've carried joy that so many people are excited about my book. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
*muppet flail*