
Structuring Life to Support Creativity

Created by Sandra Tayler

Buy books and other items from the crowdfunded project.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Plan for moving forward: Full Status Report
7 months ago – Mon, Jul 22, 2024 at 09:51:17 AM

Greetings Backers,

One of the things I like to do when giving updates on a project is to provide a TL;DR (Too Long; Didn't Read) section at the top of the update. If you're wanting only the most relevant information delivered quickly, you can just read the TL;DR and move on with your day. If you like more detail, you can read the whole update. So with that intro, our first

  • I provide a deliverables list and an expected timeline for the project. 
  • Those at mentoring and consulting levels should hear from me this week about scheduling, but actual meetings will start happening in late August or September. 
  • I will be on a road trip to Gen Con July 28 - August 7 which will impact work on this project. If you're going to be at Gen Con we're booth 1145, or you can take a class from me. List of classes here
  • Surveys will go out in the first half of September.
  • Pre-order Store is now open! (Existing backers can add on items to your existing order via the survey when it goes out.)
  • This update is a Full Status Report. I'll only do these every month or two. Most updates will be smaller and more narrative rather than list-full.
  • Your next Full Status Report will be the week of Sept 30 - Oct 4. I expect to give shorter updates every week or two between now and then. 

And now we dig in to details!

Deliverables List (and status of each item)

SLSC Print book: Currently in the hands of a developmental editor. I've identified 7 more chapters that need to be added to the book, which might increase the word count by 20k or more. I'm hoping to get 1-2 chapters drafted before my Gen Con departure, but there are a lot of claims on my attention this week.
SLSC ebook: This will be produced and released within about a week of when I send the physical book to the printer.
SLSC Audiobook: I will begin production on this as soon as the physical book is off to the printer and the ebook has been delivered.
Custom Designed Notebook: I will be working on this in tandem with revising and editing SLSC. I already have ideas for how to arrange some of the activities on the pages.
Notebook (for creativity bundle): I've ordered samples for this blank notebook. Once they arrive I can decide whether this will be a spiral bound notebook or stitched.  I do plan to let people with creativity bundles choose to upgrade their blank notebook to Custom Designed if they wish.
Bookmarks: Design work on these will begin after Gen Con and after I get the new book chapters drafted.
Notecards: Design work on these will begin after Gen Con and after I get the new book chapters drafted.
Sticker sheets: I need to get samples from a vendor. I have an idea I'm excited about, so I'll be exploring the feasibility of it during August.
Thank you Postcard: Design work will begin in October.
Giveaway books: Once I have received my shipment of books I will set up a process where people can get these books for free.
Lecture bundle: After I return from Gen Con, I will get these lectures recorded, edited, and uploaded. I want to have them available to you by the end of September.
Consultations: I will be reaching out this week to begin scheduling.
Group Mentoring: I will be reaching out this week to begin scheduling.
Individual Mentoring: I will be reaching out this week to begin scheduling. 


This is the current plan. I will keep you updated and informed about any changes, delays, or exciting news. 

July 22-26: I’ll be reaching out to those at the mentoring levels to start setting up appointments and groups.

July 28-August 7: I'll be on the road to Gen Con.

August 9 - September 15: Drafting chapters, getting them beta read, firming up the core text of the book so it is ready for line editing and proofreading. Design work on the sticker sheets, bookmarks, and other items in the creativity bundle.   The survey to collect your address and order information will also go out during this stage. I'll start work on recording lectures with the plan to have all of them available by the end of September.

September 16- October 15: Line editing and proofreading. It is possible that both of these can happen in one pass, but it is more likely that they’ll have to happen sequentially. Work will begin on the Custom Designed Notebook, bookmarks, notecards, thank you card, and other ancillary items.

October 16-31:  Layout and design for the print book and ebook. Send the book off to the printer. Once files are in the printer's hands they will give me a specific timeline for delivery. Same with the items ordered from other vendors.

November 1-5: I hope to have the ebook ready and distribute it to everyone who has an ebook in their pledge. 

March 2025: Shipping books to you! (Hopefully sooner than this, but I’ll keep you posted.)

Current state of things:

The pre-order store is now open! If you know someone who wants this book, but missed the funding window, they can place a pre-order here. Feel free to spread that link far and wide. The store is currently rudimentary. I will be adding more items and sprucing everything up over the coming weeks. As a backer, you will be able to add on more items via your survey which will go out in early September. 

It is the week before Gen Con. We road trip cross country to get to this event and then run a booth for four days. I want to get started on drafting some chapters for SLSC this week, but realistically I'm probably going to spend my writing time finishing up the three presentations that I'm giving while at Gen Con (tickets still available!) Since several of these presentations are also going to be what I record for the Lecture Bundle, I'm still doing work that moves this project forward.   

I'd like to believe that I'll work on things while I'm on the road, but the reality is likely to be that the creative challenges of finding food I can eat (I have a medically restricted diet), helping Howard navigate his chronic fatigue, and connecting with friends and fellow writers will all prove too distracting. 

I usually experience a creative surge once I recover from convention exhaustion, so I have high hopes for productivity in the second half of August. I'll need to take full advantage of that if I'm going to keep on track for my production schedule. 

I'm very excited to bring this project to you and I'm looking forward to keeping you all posted about the journey to get there. 
Thank you for being here!

Thank you for your support!
7 months ago – Thu, Jul 18, 2024 at 12:06:14 PM

Thank you my wonderful backers!

Thank you so much for showing up enthusiastically to support this book. Crowdfunding is always a question asked of the world at large. It is me saying "I want to make this thing, does anyone else want it?"  I am so glad that in this case, with this book, the answer is yes. I'm glad I get to finish the writing and production on this book. I'm glad you all will get to read it. I'm glad that it will continue to exist and be a resource for people long after this project is fully delivered and complete.  

Thank you!

Some Closing Stats

$39,330 total for the project
1140 Backers (when I was going to be happy with a few hundred)
913 paperback books sold (Which is enough to apply upgrades to the offset printing)
67 giveaway books

What's Next?

Today: I've got some steps to take in order to switch from live project to pre-order store. I've also got digital thank you notes to post in a multitude of places. And I plan to  order celebratory sushi for my family.

Backerkit will collect your pledge money. If there is any trouble with payment, you'll have at least two weeks to square it away with Backerkit. After that period if there is still a problem I can help you. We'll make sure your pledge can go through.

Friday: I'll be a guest on the World Anvil livestream. (Noon pacific time) We'll be talking about adapting your life to fit your capacity with a special focus on chronic illness and neruodivergence.

The Weekend: I am going to collapse into a small heap over the weekend. When not staring at walls, I'm going to take care of things and people around my house who have been neglected during the promotional flurry.

Monday: (or maybe Tuesday) I'll give you a list of deliverables and a timeline for production, surveys, add-ons, etc. 

Thank you

Thank you for backing the project.
Thank you to everyone who reposted any of my many social media posts
Thank you to those who vouched for me and my book telling others why you think it will be worth reading.
Thank you for the recommendations you have given to people in offline places.
Thank you if you pledged for a giveaway book, I'm so glad I'll be able to share those with people who need books and can't afford them.
Thank you if you bought an extra copy for someone else in your life
Most of all:
Thank you for being the sort of person who wants to create things and is willing to restructure your life around that.
Creating things makes the world better.

Thank you so much for making my creation possible.

With gratitude,

One Day Left! (And an update on Custom Designed Notebook)
7 months ago – Wed, Jul 17, 2024 at 09:29:27 AM


We have one day left before the funding period for this project closes. If you know someone who could use this book, now is an excellent time to tell them about it.

I made a change to the Custom Designed Notebook listing: if you order the physical notebook, you will also get a printable PDF version as well. If you want just the digital version, I've created an option for that. 

I'm so very grateful to you all for being here. When I launched this project I planned to be happy if I could reach a few hundred backers and there are now more than a thousand of you.  I'm excited to get this book into your hands. 

Thank you!

Custom Designed Notebook Unlocked!
7 months ago – Tue, Jul 16, 2024 at 09:11:18 PM

Greetings Backers!

I am incredibly surprised to be announcing a surpassed stretch goal for the second time today. I am not certain how an additional 200 backers found this project in the past five hours, but I'm so glad that you are here. Thank you!

We've unlocked the Custom Designed Notebook. It is now available as an add-on for any pledge level that includes physical shipping. 

You can now go in and update your pledge to add this notebook.

Our last stretch goal for this project is at 35k. If we pass that number I will:
  • upgrade the book
  • upgrade custom designed notebook. 
  • upgrade the stickers in the creativity bundle from being single stickers to being sheets of stickers,
  • create a special thank you postcard to go inside every physical package. 
The upgrades to the book and notebook might be in the form of spot gloss, decorative designs on the interior, or fancier paper. I'm going to have to do some research to pin down the best options to make the books you get even better. I'll keep you posted about process and choices.

Any funds I receive beyond 35k will be spent on paying bills and giving me more breathing room to work on my next book project. I have so many more things I want to write and I'd love to be able to spend less time on freelance work for income so that I can spend more time writing those books, poems, and stories. 

Thank you all for showing up for this book. It means so much to me that you're willing to trust me to deliver a useful resource. 
All the best,

We get an Audiobook! and offset printing!
7 months ago – Tue, Jul 16, 2024 at 08:44:15 AM

Greetings Backers!

We just passed the goal to unlock the Audiobook! This means there is a new pledge level you can switch to if Audio is your preferred format. Or you can add an Audiobook to your existing pledge using the add-on feature.  Thank you so much for helping us reach this point. 

I'll have more information about the details of the audiobook and offset printing once we enter the production phase of this project.

For now we have a new stretch goal:

Custom Designed Notebook

If we reach 30k before the project closes I'll create a custom designed notebook with pages created specifically for each activity in the book. This notebook will be available as and add-on item for any pledge level with physical shipping.  

If you miss adding on this notebook before funding closes, you will have the option to add this notebook and any other add-on items when I send out the survey to collect your shipping cost and address information. 

Spread the word!

I am so grateful for how far this project has come. I get to make this book, which would not have happened without you. We have just over 48 hours left in the funding period. If you're inclined to spread the word, I would appreciate any boost you can give to the project.

All the best!