
Structuring Life to Support Creativity

Created by Sandra Tayler

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Partial Sample Chapter: Structuring Life to Support Creativity
2 months ago – Mon, Jul 08, 2024 at 07:59:55 AM

PLEASE NOTE: this partial sample chapter has not yet been edited for typos and grammatical errors. It is provided to let potential readers get a feel for the general writing style and for the way I present information. Hope you enjoy or find it useful!
Managing Mental Load

Any discussion of how to make space for creativity in our lives must address Mental Load. Mental load is about how much space a task takes up in your brain, which is a very different measure than how much space the task has on the calendar. A five minute phone call might be a quick chore easily checked off the list, or it might require hours of pre-call anxiety and avoidance with more hours of post-call recovery. Mental load is often not logical because it is about emotions and unintended reactions. 
In January of 2024, the month I was pushing through a revision pass on this book, I had just finished six months where I was frazzled to the point of near burnout. When I looked at my calendar there were long stretches of empty space. Yet I was frazzled. A closer look at what had been happening showed me why. Each of the few things on my calendar was surrounded with a cloud of anxieties and repeated small decisions that I had to make. I was also carrying a lot of small simple tasks that needed to be tracked and repeated over time. My problem wasn’t in the number of things I was trying to do, it was the combined mental weight of those things. 

You can reduce mental load when you organize for efficiency of process, reduction of decision making, external reminders, and create appropriate space for emotional processing. By doing this you save creative energy for the work you want to be doing instead of spending it on carrying mental load.

When assessing the mental load you carry, the first challenge is to be honest with yourself about how much mental space a task takes up instead of how much mental space you think it should take up. You’re better able to make that assessment when you understand the variety of things that contribute to mental load.

All of the following increase the mental load of a task:
1.           The more decisions required the higher the load. Even tiny micro decisions add up.
2.           If the task is step one of a multi-task process. 
3.           If the task requires any sort of future contingency planning. For example if you pass the test then____ but if you fail the test then ___. 
4.           Extra mental load if your brain is an anxious one that will contingency plan around every circumstance. 
5.           If a task is unpleasant or repulsive to you. 
6.           If the task repeats but is not intrinsically interesting or pleasurable. (Staring at you dishes and laundry)
7.           If the task triggers any strong emotion whether positive or negative, you have to give brain space to feeling and processing that emotion or to suppressing it. 
8.           If doing the task means that you have to give up something else, it has an opportunity cost. 
9.           If the task requires you to track or remember information particularly detailed information. 
10.       If the task requires you to remember its existence with no external reminders. 

We’re going to talk about these sources of mental load in sections, grouping things together into categories. Numbers 1-3 on the list are about decision fatigue. Number 4 is about anxiety. Numbers 5-6 are about willpower. Numbers 7-8 are about the emotional weight of tasks. 9-10 are about tracking or remembering. But before we dive into the categories, I have an overview analysis activity for you to start thinking about your mental load. 

Mental Load Activity #1: Analysis
You need a grid with columns for tasks, decisions, anxiety, willpower, emotional weight, and remembering. In the tasks column write down 4 tasks that you do regularly where the process for them is smooth. Then write down 4 tasks that feel hard, heavy, or guilt inducing. You almost certainly have more that four tasks of each type and you’re welcome to do a full analysis of every task you can think of, but four of each gives you a starting place to see if there are patterns in what is difficult for you. In the remaining columns you’re going to assign the task a number from 1-4 based on how heavy or hard the task feels to you.  If a task has a lot of decision making, it should get a 4 in that column. If you don’t have to decide things, then give it a 1. Go with your first instinct rather than trying to carefully consider the perfect number. 

With everything filled out, look to see if there are any patterns in the tasks that are flowing easily for you vs the ones that are tangling you up and not getting done. If the higher numbers cluster in a particular category column, you’ve probably identified a category that you might need to tackle first.

Decision Fatigue
I’ve labeled this category decision fatigue, but an equally viable name for it would be executive function fatigue. Each judgment call or decision we make is an exertion of energy. Similar to a physical activity where as you repeat the motion your muscles get tired, your brain can also become tired and less able to make additional judgment calls or decisions. The size or consequence of the decision matters less than the quantity of decisions. The best example I have for this was when I was parenting four young children and the preschooler asked for a cracker. It seems like a simple binary question, yes/no, but in order to generate that answer, I had to evaluate 
  • How many crackers are left
  • How many other children might also want a cracker.
  • If there are fewer crackers than children, can this child not show off their cracker
  • How close are you to a meal time.
  • If you give a cracker to this child, how will that affect their next meal.
  • Even if this child will be fine eating close to mealtime, what about the other children who may also want a cracker. 
  • Is this child likely to negotiate / annoy / tantrum if denied a cracker
  • Will that negotiation or tantrum summon other children 

All of these factors and more have to be evaluated in thirty seconds or less or we might move straight to the whining / tantrum mode that will summon complicating factors (such as additional children)  
When looking at the decision fatigue around that simple yes/no question, every single bullet point counts as a judgment call or decision. This is why care giving life roles such as parenting, elder care, and household management can take up so much creative energy, they require people to make constant micro-decisions all day long. 

Add in the fact that, just like some people are physically able to lift more weight than others, some people have more capacity for judgment calls and executive function than others. The amount we have is variable from day to day. Physical fatigue, lack of sleep, illness, burnout, and a host of other factors can all reduce our ability to process and make decisions. Also some people’s supply of executive function is naturally smaller than society expects, which can lead to those people either feeling like failures or developing complex coping strategies that make them seem odd to others who don’t need those strategies. (I love that you have your complex coping strategy if it is working for you!) 
If you’re working with limited executive function or coping with decision fatigue for any reason, then these adaptive tools might help.

Task clumping - we previously discussed task clumping in Curating your Commitments and even had an activity around it. Treating multiple similar tasks like a block of tasks which flow into one another can reduce the decision fatigue because you’re not making individual decisions about multiple task. Changing the bedsheets and folding the laundry are no longer separate tasks, they are two portions of the same task. But be wary and watch to make sure that you don’t clump two easy tasks into one difficult one. Perform experiments to see what works for you and what doesn’t.

Pre-deciding - If you are faced with a decision or evaluation process that you know you’re likely to face again (like the child asking for a cracker) take a little extra time to not only decide for this instance, but also to create some rules that make future decisions easier. You can decide “no snacks after 4pm until dinner” and then the cracker question does remain a quick binary yes/no. Before 4pm, sure, after, no. Similar cluping and pre-deciding can be applied to a host of tasks. If you consolidate your grocery shopping onto one day per week, then not only to you free up time that you’re no longer spending on quick trips to the store, but you’ve also reduced your daily load of decision making. Out of an item? Put it on the list, you’ll think about it on grocery day. In order to make once per week grocery acquisition work, you may also need to deploy meal planning. This will also help you, because when you’re hungry, you can go look at what you assigned yourself to eat and do that instead of standing in the kitchen trying to figure out what to make.  I know some creatives who have simplified their wardrobe so that they don’t have to spend energy deciding what to wear that day. Some people assign tasks to days so that they don’t have to spend mental energy monitoring whether the task needs to be done.  

Efficiency of process - Pay attention to how you get a task done. Count the steps, both the steps of the task and perhaps also the literal steps you move. For example my laundry process involves dumping the dirty clothes hamper, sorting the laundry into like colors, running loads, clean laundry goes into a clean hamper, which I carry to my room then sort, fold, hang, and put away. Other adults in my household manage their laundry but skip half of the steps. They don’t sort by color, and they don’t fold, hang, or put away. My process is optimized for my clothes looking tidy. Their process is optimized for efficiency of effort. Neither of us is wrong, both of us have clean clothes to wear. Not coincidentally I have a surplus of available executive function while they have to carefully ration a smaller supply. If you need to reduce the executive function load in your life, see if you can make your tasks have fewer steps. Have a coat hook right next to the door instead of trying to make yourself put the coat on a hanger in the closet. Store cleaning supplies right next to the thing they’re for cleaning instead of making yourself collect those supplies from the “cleaning closet”. 

Borrow a brain - I once had to completely take apart my office and then refurnish it because of a flooding disaster. Having my office in disarray broke my brain because it disrupted hundreds of tiny habits and processes that I had in place for getting things done. I was having to do extra thinking about everything. It was exhausting. I reached the day when I had to buy a desk and figure out how I wanted that desk situated in my space. I stared at the options for hours feeling more frazzled and unable to choose. So I called  friend who kindly came over to my house and made a whole host of tiny decisions for me. 
When you’re struggling with decision fatigue, reach out for help. Include the other members of your household in the discussions of pre-deciding, task clumping, and efficiency of process. Take into account that the mental load of a task for one person may be very different than for another. If folding laundry is a huge obstacle to one person and an easy task for another, assign the folding to the person who finds it easy and hand a different but equivalent-in-effort task to the other person. If you live in partnership with other people, then building interdependencies where you task swap can increase everyone’s ability to have enjoyable relaxation or creative time. 

Slow and Steady Progress
3 months ago – Wed, Jul 03, 2024 at 07:48:07 AM

Greetings Backers,

Thank you so much for being here! We're in the middle of the funding period when progress is slow. It is even slower because the US Fourth of July holiday is coming this week with all of its distractions. (And there have been other US news distractions this week. Oof.) The holiday was not a surprise, I planned for it. The world news I couldn't plan for specifically, but I'm not going to let it stop me. Creation is an act of rebellion and I will be throwing myself into making this book happen. Including adding a chapter on how to keep creating in the face of existential crisis.

I'm really enjoying the questions some of you had in the Discussion of Creative Challenges. I'll happily continue answering questions there as long as people ask them. 

Then next week I have plans to come back strong with a sample chapter, a more detailed project timeline, and maybe even an infographic or two. I'm going to do everything I can to get this project to hit that audiobook stretch goal at 25k and to be able to do offset printing for higher quality books.

Thank you so much for backing this project. If you celebrate the 4th of July I hope you have a fantastic one. If not, I hope you have a lovely few days anyway. 

All the best, 

SLSC: Let's Talk About Creative Challenges
3 months ago – Fri, Jun 28, 2024 at 07:45:29 PM


The draft of Structuring Life to Support Creativity is currently in the hands of an editor, but I'll have another revision pass ahead of me where I can add chapters and information. So I want to know from you:
What questions do you have that you hope are answered by the book?

Ask your question in the comments here. I want to make sure that this book is the resource you need. I'd love to know what you're struggling with and what you hope to be able to accomplish.

All the best,

SLSC Project Status and Additional Project Recommendations
3 months ago – Tue, Jun 25, 2024 at 10:50:40 AM

Greetings Backers!

We're entering the second week of this project. Thank you so much for joining me on this journey. I'll be posting updates a couple of times per week while the project is live to make sure you're informed about how things are going. 

Right now we've entered a slower phase of the funding period. The first week of a crowdfunded project gets the word out to the people who are excited and ready to jump on board. Now I need to create information and resources to provide information for people who are still trying to figure out if buying this book is a good use of their resources and time. So over the next couple of weeks I plan to post a detailed project timeline, sample chapters, and I'll be asking all of you what you hope to get from this book. 

I'll also be seeking out opportunities to do interviews, write guest posts, and find further ways to spread the word so that this project earns enough to fund the audiobook version. 

How you can help: 

 Spread the word. So many of you have already done this. Every bit helps. Sometimes it helps a new person back the project, it always helps me feel supported and grateful. (I seriously can't over state that second part!) Every post and recommendation helps raise awareness, helps the project to continue growing even during this middle lull, and helps set up for the surge of support during the final week.

For my part, I'll keep working on all of it, so that we can reach additional stretch goals that can go out to each of you. In the meantime, I do have a couple of project recommendations to share:

Space Wizard Fantasy is an indie publishing house that focuses on queer Science Fiction and Fantasy stories. I know the owners and they're good people who believe in paying forward. Space Wizard Fantasy is currently funding their third year projects and are just shy of their funding goal. If you're looking for ways to support LGBTQIA+ creators during pride month, you want to good and look at what they have to offer. Support Space Wizard Fantasy Year 3.

Mary Robinette Kowal has just launched  a Kickstarter project of stories that take place in the Lady Astronaut universe. She has all sorts of cool options for the book and swag. I've loved these books and this universe. Even if you haven't read any of them, this short story collection makes a nice place to jump in and sample.  You should definitely take a look. Support Silent Spaces.

Thank you so much for following along and giving your support!
Sandra Tayler

Structuring Life to Support Creativity is Funded!
3 months ago – Wed, Jun 19, 2024 at 08:06:57 AM


We've funded! Not only that, but this project has become the #5 trending project on Backerkit. I truly did not expect this much support so quickly. A crowdfunded project is always a question. It asks "is there enough support?" Thank you for showing up and helping the answer be Yes.  I'm so glad that I get to finish the process of turning Structuring Life to Support Creativity into a book that you can read!

With the first question answered, now this project can reach for stretch goals. On Backerkit they've named them Achievements.  I have three to start:

1. 20k Sandra gets paid: the original funding goal was the bare minimum to cover the production and print costs to make the book. So the first stretch goal is to pay me for my time and effort writing the book. This income will allow me to focus further time on additional materials and breathing room to write more books in the future. If this goal is reached, I'll add a fourth lecture to the lecture bundle as thanks.

2. 25k Audiobook: If we reach this goal, I'll hire a professional narrator and produce an audiobook version of Structuring Life to Support Creativity. The audiobook will be available as a pledge level or as an add-on to this project.

3. Offset Printing: If the project sells more than 1000 paperback books I'll do an offset print run instead of print on demand. This will mean that the book you receive is higher quality and I'll have more control over multiple aspects of how the book is designed. 

I have ideas for further stretch goals beyond these including additional items for the creativity bundles, a custom designed activities notebook, and upgrades to the book itself.   

I also have plans for posting sample chapters and more detailed information about the content of the book so that people who are less familiar with me or the classes I teach can see what I offer and whether it will be useful to them. 

Thank you so much for being part of this project! I'm looking forward to seeing how we can make this project even better.
